Dental Services Price Guide

This price guide includes the most common services we provide. Prices and services may vary depending on your individual situation.

Our dentists are completely and proudly independent. It is entirely up to the discretion of your treating dentist regarding the treatment, fees, services and item codes provided/used in the provision of your dental care.

Prices shown are before any Private Health Insurance rebate (if applicable).

Dental Services Price Guide

Effective from the 1st of July 2024

If possible we ask that you please clean your teeth before your dental appointments. This helps us to continue providing you with the highest quality and most comfortable dental care possible.

For other dental procedures such as fillings and extractions there is a wide range of prices.

Please get in touch for more information or book a consultation/exam to discuss your situation and specific needs face to face with one of our dentists.

Can I use my private health fund card?

Can I use my private health fund card?

Yes, we have a Tyro Health Point terminal which allows us to claim instantly from your private health fund if you have extras cover.

The Child Dental Benefits Scheme

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule is a $1,132 voucher issued by the government for your child’s dental treatment. You will know if your child is eligible as you would have received a letter in the mail advising of your eligibility.

If you are unsure, simply call us and we can check for you. If your child is eligible their dental fees will be at a discounted rate and you will be allowed to use the voucher to pay for this treatment using a bulk billing system – that means no out of pocket costs for eligible treatment up to the $1,132 limit.

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