There are many situations where a dental clearance letter is required. This is a letter to prove you are dentally fit for a particular purpose. We regularly provide this clearance letters and can assist you with this process if required.
It is common to have military personnel, overseas or remote travellers, outpost workers, mining workers and other professional industries require that their worker has a dental clearance approval for certain circumstances. This might include prior to being posted to a rural or remote location for work where there are no dental services available.
It is also common safety requirement to be have a dental clearance prior to certain medical treatments such as major surgery, certain cancer treatments, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunosupressive treatments, bisphosphonate treatments, organ transplants etc. If you are unsure, please ask your treating doctor and they will advise you if this is required.
If you have been advised that you require a dental clearance or to be approved as dentally fit please contact us and we can assist you with this process.
Often dental clearance letters are needed with some urgency - could be a matter of days or weeks. If you need your dental clearance urgently please let us know. We try to accommodate these cases when possible and we are often able to make the assessment and complete any required treatment in a very short period of time in these situations. However we appreciate as much notice as possible.
The dentist has completed their assessment of your teeth and discuss the findings with you. They will then write a letter of clearance if approved to state that you are dentally fit.
If you are not considered dentally fit, the dentist will let you know what treatment needs to be done before the certificate can be issued.
If a company or a doctor is involved in the request for your dental clearance we are also happy to liaise with them.
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